My name is Thomas and I am Rose City Tinting in Camrose Alberta. Way back in 1998 (when I single guy with more hair on my head and less on my back) I would day dream while tinting cars in peoples garages, parkades, my mom and dad’s garage, audio shops, and anywhere else that had vehicles to tint. My dream was that one day I would own my own sweet tint shop. Fast forward to 2015 (now with a bald head, a wife and 3 kids) I made my dream come true. It all started in my garage and eventually the garage could not contain how much the business grew in such a short time. Word of mouth was spreading like Chlamydia in a downtown nightclub so back in (dreaded) 2020 when everyone was being locked down, I thought – Fuck It, YOLO – and decided to expand my business and open a shop! You will quickly learn that I am a little unorthodox – and by a little unorthodox I mean ALOT – and if I have an idea, I just say, “lets fucking do this!”. Rose City Tinting keeps on growing every year and my unique commercial space allows me the room to have an epic waiting room, complete with complimentary refreshments, Smart TV and an Xbox. Only the best for awesome customers like you! This space has also allowed me to expand my services from just mostly naughty decals and awesome window tint to paint protection film, 3D printing, laser engraving/cutting and even my own tint tool line that I created and sell. But wait, there’s more…

In 2021 I also became an Autobahn dealer (the best tint and PPF on the planet) and was honored to be Autobahns NATIONAL DEALER OF THE YEAR for the year 2021. But, it doesn’t stop there. 2022 might be almost over but we are not slowing down, I even convinced my busy wife to work with me (with not much eye rolling she said yes, like the day I proposed) to tweak my website and build all of you an awesome online store! It’s exciting to welcome new customers and just as exciting getting to expand my services for all the RCT old timers. People keep telling me they come back because there is no comparison to the quality of my work in town and they enjoy hanging around my unique shop that is filled with unique things. And by unique, I mean there is a lot of 3D printed statues with big dicks on display. (Hey, we all have our hobbies and now you probably get why my wife rolls her eyes at me sometimes) Speaking of my lovely wife, we met in 2013 and were married in 2018 at Graceland Chapel in Vegas. The same little Elvis Chapel that Bon Jovi was married in. (I believe he is still married so hopefully that’s a good sign, currently knocking on wood) We have 3 very smart and creative kids between us and a little zoo. (Pacman Frog, Leopard Gecko, Gerbil, Chinchilla, Fish and a very fat and very spoiled Cat) I was born in Edmonton but moving to Camrose in 2013 was the best decision of my life! That is the little history lesson of how RCT came to be but the most important thing you need to know is that your tint or PPF will be done properly – NO FUCKIN’ AROUND!